Saturday, May 13, 2006

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Big Daddy

I suppose this article from the Globe and Mail is a prime example of why I felt the need to join the already baying blog-throng. The kind of outstanding hubris discussed in the linked piece -- masking a fear of inadequacy quite frankly -- is what initially reminds me strongly of the Bush regime, sure... but worse still is what sparks my fear that Harper's minority government is not planning minority status for long. The signs are there already that Harper means to turn the watchdog into a lapdog. Now, I'm just blogging here. I'm no journalist. I make no pretence of objectivity. But I do know a threat to democracy when I see one, and as sure as David Emerson was voted into his seat as a Liberal (oh, wait...), Harper's motives have to be very questionable indeed, whatever your political stripe.

But back to Ian Brown's article:

Last month, to avoid bad press on an issue he has tied firmly to the Conservative brand, Mr. Harper banned the media from filming the return of the bodies of four Canadian soldiers who died last month in Afghanistan.

I've watched as the American people have had their freedoms usurped by an unscrupulous regime, and have only recently begun to awake to the fact that, like the proverbial frog in the slowly heating water, they are in mortal danger. By paying attention early, we can avoid that fate here in Canada. It's really that critical.


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